Lease Your Land for Solar
Solar Payments for Land
Landowners and property owners in across the United States have an economically positive opportunity to lease their land, parking lots, or rooftops for solar development through solar land leases. New clean energy policies and state incentives are directly impacting demand for more solar and energy storage, creating more opportunity for landowners to benefit with solar income off their property.
Many solar markets across the U.S.A. are growing fast, including New York, New Jersey, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Delaware. The demand for farmland, brownfield land, commercial properties, and sites to install large-scale solar electric systems is increasing. Core Development Group is looking for parcels of land, starting at approximately 5 acres, that are suitable for solar development – either shared community solar or utility-scale projects.
Your Land for Solar
Farm landowners, property owners, landfill owners, and other landowners can get paid to lease their land for solar development. Solar provides a great opportunity for landowners to generate stable income for 25 years at a premium. With a local solar project, the community also benefits from the addition of local jobs, discounted energy, and a healthier, cleaner environment.
Landowners can rely on Core Development Group for a long-term partnership that rests upon transparency, trust, expertise, and reliability. We can assess the suitability of the land for solar at no cost to the landowner. If the land is suitable for solar development, we can propose a solar land lease agreement based on the landowner’s unique needs for the land and how much will be used in solar development.
Core Development Group will only offer solar land leases for properties that we assess and develop for our solar projects, providing landowners with the benefit of continuity and business stability. Our company has built a positive reputation of working with landowners and communities based on the basic principle of transparency and trust. Our seasoned project developers will guide owners through the process of analyzing land for solar development, while partnering with owners and communities to create a reliable, win-win situations.
Solar Land Lease Criteria
Land for Community Solar
Lease your land for community solar development and help power and benefit your community for years to come. Residents and businesses virtually connect to a solar installation within their local utility service territory. Community solar programs benefit consumers usually excluded from the solar market (renters, shaded property, lack of roof control). Subscribers to community solar programs receive net metering credits or offsets towards your electric bill. Property owners can sell or lease their property to solar developers who install and maintain the community solar farms anywhere in their State, regardless of the area’s previous function.
At the end of the lease the solar array is removed, and your property is restored to its original condition. Our solar land lease process makes removal easy. We post a financial security before solar construction begins to assure that money will be set aside to remove the solar system at the end of the lease.
Commercial solar systems mounted for land leases are often inconspicuous as they are silent, emission free, motionless, unobtrusive, and often unseen. Let community solar work for your land. We will take care of the land, develop solar, and you won’t find a better partner than Core Development Group!
Municipalities can Financially Benefit with Community Solar
As local governments take steps to encourage solar energy growth, they can show leadership by installing solar on public facilities or other public land. They may also have the option to install solar on remediated brownfields and other examples of under-utilized land. In this way, municipalities and counties can encourage forward-thinking and show solar support by leading through example.
Unused municipal land, remediated brownfields, town wastewater treatment plants, capped municipal landfills, large parking garages can be ideal locations for community solar projects. Leases for ground-mounted solar sites typically tie up land for about 20 years. Therefore, other potential productive uses of the land should be considered in the site selection. Areas with little or no alternative use (e.g., brownfields, degraded land, closed and capped landfills) may be well-suited for solar projects. In fact, these degraded and underutilized lands might have expenses associated with maintenance and security. Leasing the land for solar development, may help offset maintenance costs associated with the land. Idle roof space, tops of parking garages, and parking lots present additional opportunities for land for solar development. Ensuring interconnection to the electrical grid is a key concern for developers. Solar projects located within close proximity to a point of interconnection has significantly reduced costs for equipment such as poles and wires.

Community solar or shared solar offers local governments an opportunity to subscribe to off-site community solar projects and reduce utility bills of their residents and city or town municipal buildings. Plus, solar and energy storage systems are a great way to build resilience and provide emergency backup power for critical municipal services, emergency services, police departments, and fire departments. Energy storage can also help reduce demand charges, which are based on a customer’s peak energy usage.
Solar power creates plenty of benefits for everyone in the community, and municipalities can access the financial benefits. As electricity costs continue to rise, the transition to a less expensive, sustainable source of clean power can have a significant impact on the municipal budget. Community solar can provide municipalities with annual savings on their energy costs and shift financial resources or funds towards other impactful priorities. Lean how municipalities can benefit with solar.
Clean, renewable energy for the community
Reduce energy expenses
Shift funds to other municipal priorities
Get financial compensation for the land
If you’re interested in leasing your land for solar, contact us today.